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Tottington Homestead

Stawell Road, TOTTINGTON VIC 3478 - Property No B1319

Tottington Homestead, Stawell Road, St Arnaud, is a single storied homestead and outbuildings built for pastoralist Laurence Rostren during, it is believed, the 1850s or 1860s. A ballroom and the south wing were added in the 1880s for Andrew Anderson. The brick homestead is believed to be constructed on mudstone footings with hipped corrugated iron roofs. Weatherboard was also used and at least one building is built of stone. Tottington Homestead, Stawell Road, St ... more



Wool Shed - Tottington Homestead

Stawell Road,, TOTTINGTON VIC 3478 - Property No B1863

A rare and splendid example of wood construction in the bush manner. Built 1840s. Some rafters still show joining by wooden pegs. Rawhide binding still visible in some sections. Classified: 06/12/1965 See alsoB1319 Tottington Homestead.

